Astonishing accidents, bloody images and are repulsive is not permitted. Regarding weapons, pages that sell, are intermediaries in the purchase or promote the sale of weapons and accessories cannot insert Google ads. This policy also inhibits the placement of ads on pages that sell fireworks. Encouragement of fraudulent behavior and illegal themes Google values fairness and honesty. For this reason, it is totally against carrying out or encouraging fraudulent conduct such as the creation and sale of false documents. Nor does it allow advertisements on sites that sell and distribute academic works, information to pass on in anti-doping
studies, among many other situations that promote crimes. Although the Chinese Australia Phone Number List list of prohibited content is a bit extensive, it is possible to work on some points. But beware! Google makes continuous reviews with the aim of avoiding the exploitation of its users. In case you verify that something is wrong, you can limit the display of ads or, in the worst case, you can block accounts. So, it is essential to promote prohibited products correctly and carefully to prevent situations like the above from occurring. What to do and what not to do to promote prohibited products? When it comes to promoting products considered prohibited on social networks and digital

media, all care is insufficient. Eye! We are not talking about criminal situations, but rather regular products or services that are prohibited from being displayed on web channels. To promote regular but prohibited products or services, it is essential to follow some tips: ADVERTISEMENT Respect the rules Don't test the content. It may be published by mistake, but soon after it will surely be deleted. If you don't respect the rules and publish, the network will likely end up sanctioning your brand. Use appropriate terms Have you identified that the product or service you are trying to sell is considered prohibited, but you want to take a risk and advertise it? At least try not to use prohibited terms. In the case of cryptocurrency-related ads, avoid using