The main function of the Zero Trust model is to protect the security of the company and thus avoid disaster in the face of possible threats and attacks. Why do you need to manage your company's information with ZT? Coinciding with the first years of existence of Zero Trust, I was a privileged witness - during my time as creator of the digital fraud team at Banco Santander USA - when the Digital Chief of RSA stated that not even the application of Zero Trust in companies guarantees technological security .
What he came to say is that, regardless of the risk policy that is ID Number List adopted, fraud and internal or external attacks will never give up and will always be a threat to be taken into consideration. Zero Trust is a measure that, to minimize risks and increase its effectiveness, must be constant and continuous. As with the hundreds of Windows patches , antivirus or your mobile phone, they need to be updated regularly. In short, as I explain to future countries, crime is always ahead and those responsible for security climb a rock up a steep hill by providing a heavy and difficult solution.
This time called ZT with a global cost of billion dollars - that once it rises as it did with Sisyphus, it will become obsolete and will need to be repeated. Without Technology years ago while I was working at the European Commission in Germany, APLUS - one of the world's leading companies in the inspection, testing and certification sector - paid me several flights to their headquarters abroad to fill the position of General Safety Manager. .