Where storytelling has become a vital part of digital marketing strategies. Clients are looking for empathy, understanding and protection, especially from insurance agents, so it is not worth posting just anything, you have to publish content that complies with a story and responds to what hurts and worries the target clients. . Finding the pains, interests and concerns of the audience can be achieved with a social listening study that provides this information and guides the topics that are going to be published on the networks.
If you are going to send a message over the Internet as part of the digital marketing strategy, define: Who do you want the message to reach? What message do you want to send? More Prospects (2) | Prospect Factory Building trust: the key to Digital Marketing Service increasing insurance sales. To increase insurance sales , agents and promoters must be aware that the Internet is where the whole miracle happens. Trust is generated when the prospect sees a good, professional and mobile-friendly website.

Trust is reinforced when the insurance agent and its promoter appear in the results of a Google search. And trust is reinforced when the prospect sees valuable content that tells a good story on social networks. A digital marketing strategy for insurance promoters is the safest and most effective proactive initiative to reach new customers with positive returns on investment. If your agents are good at selling, help them by bringing them more prospects If you are an insurance agent, tell your promoter that by working.