Write bok or ACCOUNTING OFFICE MonFri Write br call SECRETARIAT MonFri Write sekretariat call Copyright IFIRMA SA company listed on the WSE The employee's signing of a declaration of acceptance of responsibility for the calculation of property has no constitutive significance and does not in itself create an obligation to return or account for it, and has only evidential significance, see the judgment of the Supreme Court of December, no. act IV PR ; Entrusting property may be considered correct.
Only in conditions that enable the employee to take care of it, see the judgment of the Supreme Court philippines photo editor of December, no. act II PR IMPORTANT - neither the employee's consent to incorrectly entrusting property, does not abrogate the obligation to properly entrust property and to provide the materially responsible employee with such conditions that will allow him to correctly calculate the property, so judgment of the Supreme Court of April.

Damage to the employer's property Damage consists in the employee's failure to return or account for the property entrusted to him. Damage in this context is the difference between the initial and final quantity or value of the entrusted property. If he returns the same number of items, but they are destroyed or damaged, he will be liable under the general principles of Art. – Labor Code. IMPORTANT - The employer is the party that should prove damage to the entrusted property. |