Make sure your content demonstrates E-E-A-T What is E-E-A-T? E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It refers to how Google s ranking system rewards content that embodies these qualities, assessed by human raters. Gone are the days when you could stuff keywords and rank; because now you have to prove that you re creating useful, relevant, high-quality content. Basically, write from experience, be an expert in whatever topic you re covering whether through.
Your personal experience or research or both, and be an authority in your subject matter so photo editing servies that people trust your content. You can find the complete search rater guidelines from Google here. Understand what your audience wants and needs of content that your audience wants, and other types that your audience needs; sometimes these two types overlap, and other times they don t. For example, my readers often care about how to start a blog.

It s something they want and need. But my readers also need to make sure their blog is set up the right way so that it s fast, secure, and well-optimized. They need to know this stuff, but they re not always aware of it, and therefore, they don t necessarily want to read it. But I, as the authority in all things blogging, know what my readers want and what they need, even if they don t want it right away.