It is therefore important to always keep an eye on the users. In the case of an unavailable product, the user has two choices: The visitor leaves the shop. Will look for another webshop, search offline or stop buying the product altogether. The visitor stays in the shop. She waits until the product is available again, looks for an alternative product or chooses a completely different product from the same brand, for example. I discuss five methods by which you do not lose SEO value and your visitor finds what he is looking for.
Leaving the product online with the message 'out of stock' This method is often the default method of e-commerce platforms. You keep the snippets (like the stars) in the search results but turn this search result into a useless click. It lacks a call-to-action . The the shop. 2. Keeping photo editor the product online with a waiting list option You keep the product page including a 'keep me informed' call-to-action. Very suitable for products that will become available again within one year. 3. Make it a 404 page Google likes relevant pages.

Pages with an out-of-stock article with no further call-to-action are more likely to be irrelevant. An increasing bounce rate can then be the result. Making this page a 404 page is one possible solution. Make it a custom 404 page right away. A standard 404 page shows the wrong message. It says that the visitor is out of luck and should look elsewhere. Make sure the 404 page contains the following elements: Apologize and explain what happened. The design must match the rest of the shop. Make sure the header and footer are visible.