Use the Planner to build habits, including hair habits, or to write and achieve goals. There are no right or wrong ways to organize - the dotted planner - was created for everyone who is fed up with rigid patterns and wants to plan their own way. We can't add a few hours of alone time to the planner, but you can plan them with it! Check out what the Full Time Planner consists of: title page with space for your data a table of contents that you create yourself to easily find plans or notes saved in the planner 12 cards with a monthly calendar - you can start planning whenever you want notebook part with dotted pages - ribbons with which you can mark pages that are important to you paper pocket on the back inner cover an elastic band closing the whole thing and an elastic band for a pen.
The planner is not a calendar, there is no division into dates, days of Austria Phone Numbers List the week, etc. For each planner you will receive: - 3 Hair Lover's Diary stickers that will help you plan your hair care (especially in terms of PEH Balance) and build the habit of regular and conscious care - ebook "A scientific look at the PEH balance , i.e. Proteins, Emollients and Humectants in hair care" - e-book "Plan the way you like, or how to use.

The Full Time Planner" with proven planning methods by Ola (Pani Swojego Czasu) and Kasia (author of the book Bullet Journal without secrets), a must-have for those of you who like to plan minimalistically and those who like to do it in a creative way.SPECIAL OFFER SS Anwen-Peace_of_Mint-Szampon_Puszka Anwen-Szampon_w_Kostce-Shadow-HD SS PEACE OF MINT shampoo bar (CAN) Availability:a large number of IN Ś N V H E P PLN 20.99 PLN 29.99 Effectively cleansed scalp and refreshed hair, gentleness and care in one? Peace of Mint hides all this