[size=14.6667px]They want to prevent further tightening of chip sanctions against China. Subsequently, the American Semiconductor Industry Association also spoke out, saying that the government should not introduce further restrictions. American businesses have huge revenues from China. They have argued for a long time that the government is capital-weakening its own industry with these steps, which will also have an impact on investments, R&D and further development.
[size=14.6667px]In addition, space is being created for to fill the gap Chinese American Phone Number List[size=14.6667px] and thus reduce the power of American companies. The Dutch ASML speaks similarly. There are opinions that the US and China are engaged in a self-destructive chip war . The Chinese Chip Association also issued a statement The European Union began to communicate very actively with the local producers of zinc and aluminum, whether they are also able to supply gallium and germanium.
[size=14.6667px]These are the two materials that China recently placed an export embargo on. They are necessary for the production of chips and other products.Reuters analyzes how China is increasingly focusing on chiplets as part of the chip war . China is looking for ways to get out of the ever-increasing restrictions from the US, and chiplets are supposed to be one of them. Among others, Huawei is an active patent applicant in the field.Chinese memory chip manufacturer YMTC has started producing mysterious new memories.