You must adapt by exploiting new strategies and tools like Inbound Marketing or Marketing Automation . As a result, the buyer no longer agrees to contact a sales representative before having a more or less precise idea of the solution he needs . of BB buyers prefer to do without contact with a salesperson If you are a salesperson or manage salespeople, you have inevitably noticed that BB decisionmakers are increasingly difficult to contact . This trend will naturally not improve since with new services linked to artificial intelligence, the famous chatbots and other new technologies,
BB decisionmakers will always be more autonomous. of BB decisionmakers never Mexico Phone Number Data respond to a sales prospecting call This is the final blow. This statistic alone explains why salespeople are finding it increasingly difficult to contact new prospects. It also underlines the importance of modernizing your BB sales prospecting strategy. Traditional prospecting levers are outdated In the s and early s, phoning, doortodoor sales and trade shows were extremely effective since they were the only source of information for the BB buyer. From now on, the buyer can find out about their problem on their own, identify and compare the solutions available to them, by going on the Internet.

The buyer no longer expects you to sell them your offers , they know at least as much as you about them and perhaps even more than you about your market. The buyer demands to carry out their purchasing considerations at their own pace. He expects you to make his task easier, to guide him in his purchasing considerations . To do this, as you will have understood, you must do everything possible on the Internet to attract the attention of BB decisionmakers and provide them with answers to the questions they are asking.